Russell Workwear Polo
€ 10.60 EUR offers Russell Workwear Polo available in different colors, Sizes and features with best price according to product quantity.
Available colors - {White, Red, Black, Royal Bluem,Bottle Green, Burgundy, Sky Blue, French Navy,Bright Red, Light Oxford, Convoy Grey}
Available Sizes - {XS 34/36, S 36/38, M 38/40, L 40/42, XL 42/44, 2XL 44/46, 3XL 46/48, 4XL 48/50, 5XL 50/52, 6XL 52/54}
Feature - 1{Neck tape for comfort and durability}
Feature - 2{Flat knit collar and cuffs}
Availability - {In stock}
To buy this product click here - Workwear Coventry